
Hajj and Umrah Vaccination Clinic

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Required Vaccine for Hajj and Umrah

The Saudi Arabian authorities require travellers to present a valid meningitis ACWY vaccine certificate when entering the country. The meningitis ACWY vaccine should be administered at least 10 days before entering Saudi.

You can find your local Hajj and Umrah vaccination centre by searching above. The clinics offering the meningitis ACWY vaccine should also provide you with the vaccination certificate. Make sure that the information you provide matches those on your passport.

Please check the Covid vaccination and testing requirements on the Saudi Embassy website or with your airline when planning your trip.

Check the official Health Requirements and Recommendations for Travellers to Saudi Arabia for Hajj – 1444h (2023)

Check the Health Requirements and Recommendations for Travelers to Saudi Arabia for Umrah – 1444H (2023)

Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage

Millions of Muslims from all over the world travel on a spiritual journey each year to do the Hajj and Umrah in order to meet their religious responsibilities. People come together in a spirit of dedication and unity during these holy pilgrimages. The safety and well-being of pilgrims must be put first because of the size and proximity of the crowds. Due to outbreaks of meningitis in the past, the meningitis ACWY vaccination has been made compulsory for hajj and Umrah travellers since 2002.

Meningitis ACWY Vaccine for Hajj and Umrah

Meningococcal meningitis is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that can result in meningitis and bloodstream infections. The Saudi government has made the meningococcal meningitis vaccine, specifically the Meningitis ACWY vaccine, mandatory for all Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. This rule is intended to provide a protective shield against the disease and to prevent its spread inside the crowded pilgrimage setting.

Other vaccines to consider

Hajj and Umrah entail gatherings of individuals from diverse nations, which might serve as a breeding ground for the spread of infectious diseases. The Meningitis ACWY vaccine is a requirement and certain immunisations are strongly recommended to avoid outbreaks and safeguard both individuals and the community. Among the diseases targeted by these vaccinations include meningitis, influenza, pneumonia, and polio. The danger of transmission can be considerably lowered by immunising pilgrims against certain diseases.