
Travel Clinics in Birmingham

Find a travel vaccination clinic near you in Birmingham. Leading travel clinics run by specialist travel health pharmacists, nurses or doctors. Choose from the leading travel clinic in Birmingham. Helping you travel safely. Book your appointment online today.

Book your travel clinic appointment early

Are you planning your next adventure abroad? It’s important to remember about travel health when you plan your trip. Book your appointment at least 6-8 weeks before your departure to ensure that you have enough time to get the recommended/required vaccines. Some vaccines have multiple doses administered weeks or months apart.

Travel vaccines for a last-minute trip

If you find yourself in a position where you need to travel abroad urgently and you need travel health advice and vaccinations, do not worry. Most of the clinics can provide same-day or urgent travel clinic appointments. Book an appointment online or contact the clinics directly to request an urgent appointment.

Travel health advice and vaccines in Birmingham

During your travel clinic appointment, the healthcare professional will conduct a personalised travel health assessment to determine which vaccines are required/recommended for you based on your travel plan and past medical history. You will be given travel health advice and offered the recommended vaccines.

Hajj and Umrah Vaccine in Birmingham

Hajj and Umrah are pilgrimages to the sacred Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia for Muslims around the world. Those travelling to Saudi Arabia for performing Hajj or Umrah are required to present a valid meningitis ACWY vaccine certificate. Find your local clinic offering the Hajj and Umrah vaccine and certificate service in Birmingham.

Malaria prevention tablets in Birmingham

Malaria is a serious disease found in many parts of the world. It is most common in warmer regions, tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world. It is transmitted through a mosquito bite. If you are travelling abroad, book your pre-travel consultation for expert advice on malaria and vaccinations. If antimalarials are recommended, you will be able to get them from the clinic at the same appointment in most cases. Book your appointment online.

Occupational Health Vaccine

A healthy workforce is a productive workforce. Keep your staff and employees safe by ensuring that they have access to important occupational health vaccines. Certain jobs can put employees at risk of conditions such as Hepatitis B and Tetanus. Find your nearest occupational health vaccine provider in Birmingham.

Non-travel vaccines in Birmingham

The vaccination clinics in Birmingham also offer non-travel vaccines. You can book a pre-vaccination consultation for a personalised assessment of your past medical and vaccination history. The healthcare professional will provide you with expert advice and vaccinations, where appropriate. Non-travel vaccines include:

  • Shingles Vaccines
  • HPV Vaccine
  • Chickenpox Vaccine
  • Tetanus Vaccine

Leading travel vaccination clinics in Birmingham

Birmingham is a bustling city in the heart of England. It is the second largest city in England after London. Birmingham is a vibrant hub of culture, business, and innovation. With its rich industrial heritage, stunning architecture like the Bullring shopping centre, and world-class institutions like the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, this city offers a captivating blend of history and modernity. Find your local travel vaccination clinic in Birmingham.